A RMN Genunchi is an X-ray-free test that uses energy from large magnets to create detailed pictures of your knee. These images can be stored on a computer or printed on film. The procedure does not use radiation (X-rays). The exam is usually painless. You can eat and drink as usual before your scan. You may want to bring a magazine or book to read while you wait. You should wear comfortable clothing that does not have any metal zippers or snaps. If you have a tattoo or body piercings, you should tell the imaging staff and radiology nurse before your appointment. These items may interfere with the magnetic fields used during the MRI scan.
Most of the time, you will be alone in the MRI machine. However, if you have claustrophobia (fear of being closed in) the radiologist can watch you from outside the machine through a two-way intercom. The MRI machine can be very noisy and make thumping and knocking sounds. The radiologist can give you earplugs or headphones for your comfort.
Knee Deep in Clarity: Exploring the Insights Provided by MRI Knee Scans
A knee MRI can detect a variety of knee injuries, including torn ligaments. A torn ligament is a common cause of painful and debilitating knee problems. However, doctors need to use MRI results only in conjunction with physical examination and combined X-rays and CT scans to diagnose knee injuries. Otherwise, patients may focus on the MRI findings and assume that knee surgery will cure their symptoms when conservative treatment is needed.